Monday, October 6, 2008

Turbo Dogs

Seeing my name at the beginning of a TV show was pretty cool although I really didn't do anything but the original concept. Kristine Klohk and the production team at CCI Entertainment did an awesome job. I hope a lot of kids will have fun with the show.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Turbo Dogs premier weekend

Check out an episode of "Turbo Dogs" this week-end.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Choices choices

The White House Book spread I did with all of the presidents had a vacant spot for the 44th one. I'm hoping to get my publisher to print up these stickers as a promo for the book.

Simon's Mixed Up book

A little art I am doing for my friend Simon who wrote a book about sound mixing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Get Flair

I've been making Flair. It's a fun Facebook application. If you're on Facebook make some and send them to me. I've got some from books and some from that big company I work for.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Turbo Dogs

It's coming!  "Turbo Dogs", the newly named cartoon based on the too slow sounding book "Racer Dogs" will be premiering on October 3rd & 4th.  It's a Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and will be on NBC.  It's looking pretty cool.  They are giving me sneak peaks.  I haven't seen it all put together yet (music, sound effects, finished 3-d effects) but so far it looks fun.  More coming as permitted.

Upcoming show

Well I'm going to be in an art show. First one since grad school. (25 years ago). It's at McGowan Fine Art in Concord, New Hampshire. It's a group show with other children's book artists. It will open on Sept. 9th.  These are the prints I'm going to have in the show.  Since I'm digital, I'm going to sell Giclée prints.  They look real nice.  I was pleased with the quality of the prints.  They are pretty big, about 11 by 20.  Anyone have a thought on about how much these things should go for?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

end of story

This is the back cover of Do You Want To Play, I think it may be my favorite image in the book.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

do you still want to play

Some more from Do You Want To Play. I just got these scans from my F&Gs and wanted to post them. It's been out of print for a while now and I figured this was the only way to let people see this stuff. I used a lot of tissue paper and papers drawn on with markers. It was a nice effect but time hasn't been kind to the original art. It's starting to disappear.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

do you want to play

These spreads are from an older book called Do You Want To Play. It is in a collage, all done the old-fashioned way of Exacto knives and matt medium. It's a style I would like to return to some day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

big kicks

Biggie is a jazz lover, reluctant soccer player and a stamp collector. A famous old rare stamp plays a role in the story. A sheet of stamps were accidently printed with the central image upside-down. It is the rarest of American stamps. I had to update it a little to fit into Biggie's modern sensibilities.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fun Day

I got my first copy of "Big Kicks today. It's hard to describe fun of seeing a book for the first time.

Monday, May 12, 2008

biggie has cool stuff

Biggie is a musician and has lots of instruments which are always fun to draw. He also has a mod sense of decorating.

Monday, May 5, 2008

more biggie

here is another set of rough and finishes for Big Kicks. My editor suggested that I lose the TV. The book world is a little insecure about competition.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

here is a rough and a final from big kicks. I do all my early sketch work digitally. I seem to think in color and shape more than line and the computer lets me do it quickly.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

for Gina

All of the presidents are shown along with an interesting White House related fact. Nixon wanted to add a little more pomp to the White House security staff and had new uniforms made. They were too silly and were soon given to a marching band in Iowa.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

some more white house stuff

Here are a few more glimpses at the White House project I worked on. Candlewick, the very cool publisher of the book, has decided to use my spread as a poster promoting the book.

character sketches

Here are some early sketches of Biggie. In the early drafts he was a small appliance repairperson.

Monday, April 21, 2008

baseball or soccer?

Originally Biggie was about baseball. Baseball was more a part of my childhood, but soccer works better for the way the story plays out. After watching my kids play soccer for years I've come to really love the sport and wish I could have played it when I was a kid. Although I know that I'd be just about as good at soccer as I was at baseball. I'm a somewhat bigger guy. I was always picked early the first time we played a sport. The second time we played, I was always picked last.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our White House

Another book out this fall which I had a little part in. Our White House is a big group project for the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance. The cover says it was created renowned authors and illustrators. There are a lot of big time creators who contributed to the book. I think they let me in because I was the only one foolish enough to try and draw a portrait of every president.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big Kicks

This fall a new book called 'Big Kicks" will be coming out. It's a somewhat autobiographical tale about a big bear who has trouble living up to expectations.

beastie #21

I'm back, been stupid busy lately. I've got so much coming up. A new book will be out this fall, another in the spring. (more about those later) Racerdogs is in production. The day job is busy. Blogging kept falling to the bottom of the priority list.

Saturday, February 16, 2008